An ode to my bra

Een ode aan mijn bh
sep 5, 2018


A few words for the greatest invention ever made.

You make all the little imperfections perfect again.


You're so uplifting because you're always there for me.

Sometimes you're very basic and sometimes a true showpiece.


You hold my breasts up nice and proud.

But when I take you out at night, I still sigh a sigh of pleasure.


We're always together through thick and thin, I sense your support.

When I find you on sale, you'll be a big win.


For deep-cut tops, you're the best push-up.

If I want to hide them, I wear a minimizer cup.


Most days you're my best friend.

That's why I tie you to me every day.


If you're perfect, you'll fulfill all my wishes.

But I know you have your limits, too.


At parties, I'll help you in glitter or pearls.

And sometimes combine with matching suspenders.


I want to shout it out loud and press it on my T-shirt.


Thank you for everything you've done for me.

With your support, I can take on the whole world.

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