There's something new buzzing in lingerie country...

Er bruist iets nieuws in lingerieland...
dec 24, 2018

Welcome to Sir Sebastian's new designer blog!

Say hello there, dear readers! What a pleasure to meet you here, on the brand new platform of moi: Sir Sebastian, your own cute poodle royal and the hottest influencer of the Dutch and Belgian lingerie scene.



How wonderful that you ended up on my blog at exactly the right time - you're falling for it, so to speak. Today I'm launching my new periodical, to keep everyone up to date with the latest underwear trends. With my excellent hot news detective nose, I'll get to the farthest corners of the lingerie world. It's only logical, because all the big names are naturally wagging along when Sir Sebastian passes by - because you have a reputation, or you don't...

Just brace yourselves, because from now on, at the start of this brand new fashion year, I'm going to explain to you in detail what the biggest names in design are doing, what the stars are wearing in places only a poodle sees and, even more important, how you can dress your poodle naked fur in style in the most beautiful underwear. So keep a close eye on Sir Sebastian's exquisite blog, because without my subtle style advice you're as good as poodle naked.



How I made my new start

I hear you thinking, esteemed audience. Why now? I imagine you're asking yourself that burning question, dear followers. Why this moment for the next big step in my flaming fashion career? Well, here's the thing: allow me to take a brief look at my latest adventure.

As a freelance style icon, I am, of course, constantly on the move. I skip from gallery to gallery, stroll doggone along the big catwalks, and make sure I'm always exactly where the hot & happening is. That's my job, and that nomadic existence is part of it. Still, a flamboyant four-legged friend like me needs a base, a headquarters, a fixed anchorage in the swirling world of wild cocktail parties and monumental fashion shows. Yes, you hear right: even the most restless quadruped needs a basket. That became clear again after one good day in December when I came down to an esteemed ensemble of lingerie experts in the middle of the country.



The click with the new neighbours

Dutch Designers Outlet is an established player on the lingerie scene in the Netherlands and Belgium, but even more importantly for me: there is a very nice team of specialists from my field working there that I've always enjoyed blowing by for a nice espresso or a good conversation over an even better glass of prosecco. After working hours of course, but still: I really like these people and I'm always willing to delight them with my company. Also on this December afternoon the atmosphere was out of the ordinary again.


We chat about our experiences with the latest lines of famous designers, revolutionary underwire bras and the latest gossip. Totally satisfied and a little bit of tipsy I returned home.

Solid ground under the paws Who outlined my surprise when I arrived at my permanent loft a little later? - I mean honk! On the door was a big padlock and a letter from a bailiff: apparently I forgot to pay a few bills somewhere in all the hustle and bustle... You understand that I made a right turn with hanging legs and the tail between the legs. Luckily my lingerie friends still burned lightly, because December nights are bitterly cold for a poodle as well. A short explanation was enough to arrange a place to sleep, plus a cognac for the fright, and the next morning I immediately drew up a contract to secure my new home slash headquarters and the start of a new adventure!



Why don't you want and be able to do without Sir Sebastian!

Yes, dear audience, you read it well: Sir Sebastian is back... and how! From my new home and with a whole new year ahead of me, I'm going to tell you all about the world of designer lingerie in a good mood and always in style. As your raging reporter on location, I will report dog faithfully on all happenings and events. Especially for you I will ask designers and celebrities to take the shirt off their bodies, so we can see what's underneath of course. With my slender figure I have access to places where other influencers are not allowed: no other dog will come this close to the catwalk! I also give you the very best insider's tips for your own lingerie collection, so you can show off with maximum look, impact and self-confidence. It promises to be a year full of fantastic cocktail parties, receptions, vernissages and fashion shows, so if you really want to know everything there is to know about the latest lingerie trends, Sir Sebastian absolutely must follow. I'm really looking forward to it, so brace yourself for a regular underwear update that you just can't miss!



Dear audience, after all the consternation I am really in need of a little walk and a beauty sleep. Because between us: a poodle with a hangover is of course not done. I'm very happy to have spoken to you here, but keep checking my blogs and reports regularly, because this is just the beginning. Your own Sir Sebastian is back to get to the bottom of things for you as you explore the national and international lingerie scene. I promise I'll be back in January with my next report, but now I have to put down the pen to get some new influencer inspiration... Poodle ow and see you soon!


Entirely yours and with sincere wagging,

Sir Sebastian
Lingerie guru extraordinaire

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