When you (m)/(w)honor want to play sports!

Wanneer je (m)/(w)eer wil gaan sporten!
sep 11, 2018

Holidays are over again, normal life is getting back on track.
Then one of the intentions that are made a lot is to start exercising again or more. But it is also an intention that is very difficult to realize for many people.
Especially if you are not so sporty about yourself.
We'll give you some tips, with these in the back of your mind it will suddenly become a lot easier to start up and keep up!


A nice goal will help you on your way!

Starting exercising regularly when it's not your hobby is much less difficult when it's no big deal.
You need to exercise more, because you want to lose some extra pounds, live a healthier life. You have plenty of reasons to fill them in.



Even if the reasons are good, they're not that inspiring to jump off the couch right away. You'd better choose a goal you're really looking forward to achieving (for example those new jeans or cute bikini or maybe your wedding dress later on).
With a nice goal, sports immediately becomes a lot more fun. And something that's fun is much easier to keep up with!



Also give yourself a real time to reach your goal, this prevents disappointment.
Maybe you have a sports buddy so you can play sports together, this way you help each other when the motivation is a bit low. And you don't want to be inferior to the other person ;-)



Sports means more time

More sports? Yeah, sure! Of course, that doesn't fit in at all with your already overcrowded schedule. You have to work, study, and the kids are still here. And then there's all the household chores you don't get around to anyway. And oh yes, you also have a social life!



Those sparse moments when you don't want to do anything, you just want some time for yourself. Just don't have to do anything at all. Lovely!
But did you know that just that one hour of intensive exercise can serve as me-time? In that hour you clear your head completely, you make your muscles warm and supple. It's great to relax.
So give yourself that time with and for yourself, replace that hour of bench hanging by an hour of running, cycling or yoga.


The right sports outfit

If you want to go to the gym, make sure you have the right stuff. So shop good sports shoes and a comfortable sports outfit! Of course, this also includes a good sports bra that provides your girls with the support they so desperately need.
Haven't seen them anywhere yet? At Dutch Designers Outlet you will find a wide range of beautiful sports bras.


There's bound to be one suitable for your cup size and your favourite sport!

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